PUMA Bike Series
Created for ease of movement, urban transportation, and individual appeal, PUMA, Biomega and KiBiSi has collaborated to produce the next evolution in commuter bikes. Smart European design and commuter technology collide with urban American style – and culminate in a completely new Trans-Atlantic bike paradigm. PUMA pared down its bikes to their essentials and constructed a new bike line with innovative and thoughtful details that meet the needs of a unique consumer set.
This PUMA Bike line is designed for urban mobility and finds innovative solutions for the everyday annoyances that come from maneuvering bikes through urban obstacles. The collection redefines and reinvigorates the city ride. Each bike features colors inspired by island culture in the Atlantic – symbolizing this new Trans-Atlantic approach and balancing PUMA’s European heritage with American popular culture. By pulling together the best parts of practical, continental city and folding bikes, BMXs, American cruisers, and fixies, these PUMA Bikes create a whole new urban typology. One that stands out in the crowd. And knows how to make its own way.